All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter into another! ~Gail Sheehy
I don’t think that very many of us are in places that we ever thought we would be as we made our way through life. I know things are not like I would have imagined and I’m grateful for that.
Not too long ago, I underwent gastric bypass surgery. Everything went well and I’m recovering very nicely. It does however, require a complete life change. I have to think about everything that I put in my mouth. I have never really been an active person and I now have to be active pretty much every day. Also, I added a second (part-time) job to the roster. While it is only part-time, this all adds up to much reduced free time for me.
I may not be posting on here often. I know I won’t be posting regularly. I miss it and plan to still keep in touch, when possible, with many of the wonderful people I’ve met both through my blog and through being a part of the writing community. Say hi whenever the mood strikes you and I’ll most definitely respond. Always know that I’m somewhere working on making me the best that I can be. And I hope you too take that challenge, in whatever form it takes for you.
I’m not totally disappearing and will post here from time to time. Thanks for stopping by and being a part of this little blog that I’ve grown to love so very much. See ya’ around!