Thursday, September 9, 2010

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

Here's a teeny-tiny bit about the book from Ms. Collins site: Katniss Everdeen, girl on fire, has survived, even though her home has been destroyed. There are rebels. There are new leaders. A revolution is unfolding.

My Take - Spoiler Free
So here we are for the third, and final installment of the Hunger Games series.  What a ride it's been too.  We've all anxiously awaited the fate of Katniss and Panem.  We vascillated between team Gale or team Peeta (okay, some of held steadfast in our team support too).  We've cried, cringed, and even cheered.  I've been reading a few reviewers here and there, but here's my take on this final journey with Katniss and crew.
The first two books were beyond my wildest expectations.  I loved them - deeply.  That set the bar extremely high for me with my expectations of the third and final novel.  To be honest, I was a touch disappointed.  In the beginning, the book dragged for me.  However, when Peeta was brought in, my interest piqued and the book really began to flow again for me.
I loved the fact that an epilogue was part of it all and we got a brief glimpse into the future.  I was actually pretty pleased with the way things turned out in the end.  I'm giving this the final round of The Hunger Games, 3 1/2 big smooches!  A great series that ended on a solid note.


  1. Totally agree with you! Great, spoiler-free review(which I suspect was hard to give. I know I can't say anything about it without spoilers!)

  2. I haven't read this yet, so I'll have to come back in a day or two when I've finished and read it! :) I'm so excited for this book!

    Please accept this award for your blog - One Lovely Blog Award!!

  3. So, so glad to read your review! I felt the same way about Mockingjay. I was also disappointed. It just didn't stand up to the first two books for me, not at all.

  4. I thought it was a perfect end to the series, it was exactly what I thought it was going to be. Not that I predicted the ending and outcomes for the characters (far from it!) but it "fit" perfectly, if that makes sense.

    I posted my fantasy cast two days after the book came out, I just couldn't contain myself!


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