In this fresh, poignant novel, Mike is struggling to come to terms with her father's suicide and her mother's detachment from the family. Mike (real name: Mary Elizabeth) is gay and likes to pump iron, play softball, and fix plumbing. When a glamorous new girl, Xanadu, arrives in Mike's small Kansas town, Mike falls in love at first sight. Xanadu is everything Mike is not —cool, confident, feminine, sexy.... straight.
Julie Anne Peters has written a heartbreaking yet ultimately hopeful novel that will speak to anyone who has ever fallen in love with someone who can't love them back.
National Book Award finalist Julie Anne Peters has written a compelling novel about coming out, finding love, and discovering your place in the world. Alyssa's story will speak to anyone who has known the joy and pain of first love and the struggle to start over again.
My Take:
I liked this book and always appreciate the fact that there are love stories out there for the LGBT community. Ms. Peters books are always well written and great stories. Mike Szabo falls in love with Xanadu, the new girl in town. I started to find it frustrating that Mike kept trying to force the relationship between she and Xanadu. I understand how difficult and frustrating it must be to love someone that will never love you back in the way that you would like them to. The characters were great, very real and I absolutely loved Mike's friend, Jamie. I would recommend this book and am giving it 4 chaste kisses!
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