Monday, July 19, 2010

The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson

Here's a brief summary of the book from Amazon:  Seventeen-year-old Jenna Fox awakens after more than a year in a coma to find herself in a life—and a body—that she doesn't quite recognize. Her parents tell her that she's been in an accident, but much of her past identity and current situation remain a mystery to her: Why has her family abruptly moved from Boston to California, leaving all of her personal belongings behind? Why does her grandmother react to her with such antipathy? Why have her parents instructed her to make sure not to tell anyone about the circumstances of their move? And why can Jenna recite whole passages of Thoreau's Walden, but remember next to nothing of her own past? As she watches family videos of her childhood, strange memories begin to surface, and she slowly realizes that a terrible secret is being kept from her. Pearson has constructed a gripping, believable vision of a future dystopia. Here's a link to a site for the book - Who is Jenna Fox?

Jenna is slowly regaining her memories after a terrible car accident.  She's trying to work out who exactly Jenna Fox is.  The key lies in a mixture of who she once was, before the accident, and who she has become since the accident.  She has learned a great deal about the new Jenna, and things that were done in the name of saving her life.  There are several points when choices must be made that involve what's right or humane. 

The writing was tight and suspensful.  I was continually surprised by various turns of event.  Jenna's inner struggle with her own questions of humanity were thought provoking.  I liked this book.  It brought about thoughts of where we are going as a society with our technology and life saving abilities.  Who's making those decisions of who receives the best care possible and all life saving measures?  More importantly, who's deciding who doesn't?!  The cover is pretty jazzy.  No sex, swearing or substance abuse.  I say 13 and up.  I give it a solid 3 swaks.

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